Chamois Bar and Grill, Mount Cook Village

We’d bought an accommodation package that included a meal voucher together with the room. The voucher for the Chamois Bar and Grill entitled us to any main meal and a drink each.

Mackenzie Rib Eye, Potato Mash, Pureed Pumpkin, Green Beans And Roasted Tomato With Red Wine Jus ($27) and Boysenberry Cider

I had boysenberry cider with Mackenzie rib eye, potato mash, pureed pumpkin, green beans and roasted tomato with red wine jus ($27). The other options for steak sauces were garlic butter and mushroom. The rib eye was more medium than medium rare, but it was still tender and tasty. I quite liked the red wine jus which was peppery and vinegary. The mashed potato had some sort of herb in it and its flavour reminded me of KFC mashed potato.

Sticky Spare Ribs With Wedges, Sour Cream And Salad ($27)

Dad went with merlot and Sticky Spare Ribs With Wedges, Sour Cream And Salad ($27). The ribs were nice, having slightly Asian flavours, and meat that easily pulled off the bone. The wedges weren’t crispy at all though.

Chamois Bar & Grill
Aoraki Mount Cook Alpine Village, NZ, 7946
(03) 435 1653
Chamois Bar & Grill on Urbanspoon

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