08 Nov Cafe Louis, Fitzroy
Taking the place of various galleries and the sadly short-lived Something More cafe, Cafe Louis is a newbie to Fitzroy. Its interior is still a work in progress but it’s nice and spacious, and in case you’re wondering, Louis is the name of the green they’ve used on the walls.
Working for them is an award-winning barista and an ex-White Mojo chef, so things look promising. Cafe Louis does indeed have delicious coffee, but also a range of interesting lattes. The Dulce de Latte is expectedly sweet, and the Kashaya Latte contains a 15-ingredient spice blend traditionally used to boost the immune system.
The fluffy banana butter-filled Dorayaki Pancakes are teamed up with brûléed banana, coconut pandan whipped cream and toasted coconut flakes. Unfortunately the kitchen ran out of pistachio gelato because of our rather late lunch visit, but we received a topping of praline instead. You can order an extra poached egg for extra gooeyness in the smoked salmon with zucchini and corn fritters – the eggs really help to blend things together.
The Benny has pulled pork, pickled cabbage, poached eggs and sriracha bernaise on top of two croquettes. The pulled pork is only slightly sweet, and it’s nice to find that the sriracha bernaise is actually spicy. The croquettes are nice and crisp, and smooth and creamy on the inside. It’s quite a decadent version of a benedict, but a rather delicious one too.
The idea is to eventually transform Cafe Louis into a space where art, food and coffee can be appreciated in the one place. It’s relaxing rather than rushed, and a place where you can snuggle into a couch with a book and just order a coffee. It will be interesting to see how Louis develops and matures.
Disclaimer: I was invited to Cafe Louis as a guest, however, opinions expressed here are purely my own, and are based on my experience at the time.
Cafe Louis
93 Moor St
Fitzroy, VIC, 3065
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